Thanks in part to the efforts
of the Wisconsin Fabricare Institute (WFI), Wisconsin drycleaners
now have a new Environmental Response Fund for reimbursement
of many costs for remediation of spills and contamination. Funded
by fees from drycleaner licenses and chemical purchases, the
new fund is available to both active and in-active drycleaning
facilities that meet criteria and pay applicable fees.
According to Joe Phillips,
Executive Director of the WFI, the legislation has been written
and rewritten to meet the needs of industry, government and the
environment. Signed by Governor Thompson as an amendment to the
States budget plan, the new Fund will provide retroactive
reimbursement for cleanup as far back as January 1, 1991. The
Fund also will reimburse for emergency cleanups and, unlike most
other such programs, will allow reimbursement for "Interim
Remediation" purchase and installation of equipment
to begin clean up, such as sparging and "pump-and-treat"
systems. From an industry point of view, says Phillips, the new
Fund represents a positive change.
"It is form of insurance
and it provides a sense of security," says Phillips, adding,
"We have a situation in Wisconsin where we have developed
a good relationship with the Department of Natural Resources,
with environmental groups and with other programs. We have a
feeling of cooperation so fewer dollars are being spent on enforcement
then if we were adversaries."
To establish the Fund, operating
facilities will pay license fees equivalent to 1.8 percent of
all gross receipts on both drycleaning and laundry business.
Owners of in-active facilities wishing to participate also will
pay this fee which will be determined as the average of such
fees collected from active facilities. In addition, a flat $5
per gallon fee will be paid on perc, including current stock,
and fees on Stoddard solvent will be assessed at $.75 per gallon.
According to estimates by the WFI, approximately 350 drycleaning
companies in the state will contribute about $2 million annually
to the Fund, accumulating as much as $70 million during the planned
35-year life of the program.
Wisconsin is not the first
or only State to enact such legislation. In fact, both its neighbors,
Minnesota to the west and Illinois to the south, have similar
programs. Below is a comparison of the States plans, what
they offer and what drycleaning facilities contribute to them.
For more information about
the new Wisconsin Drycleaners Fund, contact Joe Phillips
at the Wisconsin Fabricare Institute, (414) 529-4707. |