Tower -Morse Diesel - Chicago, Illinois
STS performed the geotechnical engineering including subsurface
exploration and prepared foundation design recommendations for
caissons to bedrock for the 110-story high-rise in Chicago, the
tallest building in the world. |
Towers - Thornton Tomasetti - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
STS performed geotechnical consulting services and provided foundation
recommendations for one of the worlds tallest buildings. |
Hancock Center - Tishman Construction of Illinois - Chicago,
STS performed geotechnical engineering and provided foundation
recommendations for the 100-story building with the deepest rock
caisson in Chicago at 192 feet. This project marked the development
by STS of non-destructive techniques for evaluating the integrity
of caisson concrete using geophysical instrumentation equipment.
This included seismic reflection techniques and G-Cells to detect
flaws in the concrete. |
Amoco Building - Amoco,
Inc. - Chicago, Illinois
STS provided subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering
including pressuremeter testing, caisson observation and superstructure
monitoring for the 80-story building. The caissons were drilled
to bedrock and a new seam criteria for each socket penetration
was developed, minimizing the amount of rock removal required
on future projects. In addition, this was the first Chicago project
with a load bearing slurry wall.
One Financial Place -
Continental-Turner - Chicago, Illinois
STS participated in a unique foundation design for the 40-story
high-rise structure. In-situ pressuremeter testing of the water
bearing cohesionless silt layer was conducted. This had been
previously avoided as a high load bearing stratum. Combined with
the successful use of filtered deep dewatering wells to lower
the water table, construction of new caisson foundations immediately
adjacent to and below existing belled hardpan caisson-supported
structures was permitted.
SOHIO Building - Urban
Investment & Development Company - Cleveland, Ohio
STS performed comprehensive geotechnical engineering for the
highest structure in Cleveland with the deepest caisson to date
in the U.S. at a maximum depth of 252 feet. Services included
subsurface exploration, pressuremeter testing and caisson load
tests to confirm design assumptions. Specifications and quality
assurance procedures were developed for construction of caissons
totally underwater without bottom inspection.
AT&T Corporate Center
- Stein and Company - Chicago, Illinois
STS performed geotechnical engineering, foundation analysis,
and retention system design for a 60-story office tower. Because
basement levels went below adjacent footing supported structures,
a thickened concrete slurry wall was designed to reduce deflection
and settlement during excavation. Movements were measured with
inclinometers. Due to the site being occupied by existing hardpan
caissons, pressuremeter testing was done to determine depth of
new caissons with the highest bearing pressure to date on soil
in Chicago at 50 ksf. Filtered dewatering wells were installed
to lower water level permitting construction of belled caissons
on dense silt below existing caissons.
Two Prudential Plaza -
Prudential Realty Group - Chicago, Illinois
STS provided geotechnical engineering including evaluation of
subsurface conditions and foundation recommendations for 200
tsf caissons to bedrock, up to 10 feet in diameter. STS also
provided field observation services for the caisson and slurry
wall construction.
Renaissance Center - Detroit,
STS was retained by Detroit Renaissance to provide geotechnical
engineering and materials testing services for this project,
which consisted of four 40-story buildings and one 65-story tower.
STS completed the subsurface exploration and provided recommendations
for foundation design, bulkhead construction, and a vibration
study to evaluate the effects of an existing railroad operation.
Field construction, and a vibration study to evaluate the effects
of an existing railroad operation. Field construction services
included observation and testing of al caisson foundation installation,
concrete and soils testing, and structural steel documentation
and testing.
311 South Wacker - Lincoln
Property Company - Chicago, Illinois
STS was the project geotechnical consultant and the designer
of the excavation retention system for the 311 South Wacker building,
the tallest concrete building in the world. A combination of
crosslot struts, inclined rakers and corner braces were used
for the retention system for the lower level garage and the garden
areas using the caisson caps as reaction blocks for the inclined
rakers. The top down method of construction was used in the tower
area. The building floor slabs serve as the interior bracing
and thus, additional temporary bracing is eliminated.
Quaker Tower - BCE Developmental
Properties - Chicago, Illinois
STS provided a comprehensive construction services testing, monitoring
and management program during the substructure and superstructure
construction phase for the 38-story high-rise project.